contextual advertising
Water Factory
Purification and delivery of drinking waterФабрика воды - здоровая водаPurification and delivery of drinking water in Chernihiv and Kyiv
task:Increase the number of water delivery subscriptions.
initial data:Previously, the client was engaged in independent promotion in social networks
what we did:It was necessary to stand out against the backdrop of a huge number of companies delivering water. The most important is the first order, as the client in 80% of cases became a regular. Accordingly, it is necessary to increase the share of first orders.
To do this, we offered the client another unique offer: At the first order, 2 bottles of water and a pump of your choice as a gift.
-Created a website
- Launched an advertising campaign on Google and Youtube
-Automated sales using CRM
271 days
duration of the project6,053
number of applications per period$ 4,22
average cost of an applicationfrom $50
average revenue per salesimilar projects
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Security and safety Private security company
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